There is almost no anthology of Dutch poetry that does not contain the medieval song: The Egidius Song. This poem, which was written to be sung, is a poignant text on a friendship that transcends death. In it, the poet has to remain behind in life, that he experiences as full of suffering and pain, yet with a heavy heart, continue to sing a song of eternal friendship. Aware that his friend Egidius, is able to savor the joys of a timeless bliss, the straggler gives a moving account of his eternal friendship, by imploring he save a place next to him!
Egidius Song
Egidius, where have you gone?
I miss you so much, my comrade.
You chose death, you let me live.
Your friendship came early and late,
but it had to be, one of us is going.
Now you are lifted up in the realm of heaven,
brighter than the sunshine,
all joy is given to you.
Egidius, where have you gone?
I miss you so much, my comrade.
You chose death, you let me live.
Pray for me now, I’m intertwined
with this world and its evil.
Keep my place next to you just a little while,
I still have to sing, to the beat,
to the death that awaits everyone.
Egidius, where have you gone?
I miss you so much, my comrade.
You chose death, you let me live.
Your friendship came early and late,
but it had to be, one of us is going.
More than 600 years later, this song remains for todays’ seeker of truth, just as relevant. May you understand its inner meaning.
LOGON articles on the theme friendship:
Anneke Stokman-Griever, Becoming real friends
Ankie Hettema-Pieterse, Friendship is a Wonderful Fabric
[1] Egidius Song, Gruuthuse-manuscript, Bruges around 1400[2]