Whenever I wake up …

Whenever I wake up …

Whenever I wake up, I know: I have only one task – not to fall asleep again. To stay awake and help others to wake up. What a wonderful task!

More and more often I have the feeling that I have been asleep. More and more often I have the feeling of waking up. More and more often I have the feeling of being someone other than who I thought I was. But who am I?

Am I the one who thinks in my head?

Or the one who feels inside, rejoices in the wonders of nature, is afraid of suffering and dying, who loves and rejects as well as judges and packs everything into her drawers to ensure that life has its order?

Am I the one who gets up in the morning and day after day does the almost identical things like shopping, cooking, eating, reading, washing, ironing, pulling weeds, cleaning the flat, sleeping and dreaming?

Am I the one who lives in the body and looks out through the eyes into a world that she understands only a little bit? To all the people who are mostly strangers to her, even if she has known them for years? Am I the one who sits in her body like in a prison and knows: there would only be one gate out, and that is called death?

Whenever I wake up, I know: No. That is not all that I am. I am seized by one who was hidden in me. He penetrates me. We are one in this moment. He has slept in me, dreamed, and he has awakened in me. And I with him.

Whenever I have woken up, I am filled with his power, his love, his word. He speaks in me the word of eternity: I am the one who came from the light and goes to the light again. I am the seed that has broken through the dark earth to grow towards the light.

I am the one who is drawn by his longing towards home, I am the one who carries freedom within himself and who no longer tolerates borders around him.

I am the one whose spirit is omnipotent, whom nothing can stop, whom you carry in earthly life, who gives you the strength to go your way fearlessly and courageously, and to flinch neither from danger nor from pain.

I am the one who is connected with everything and everyone and cannot rest until all beings are filled with light again. Who fills you with unconditional love for God and man and gives you your true mission in life.

I am the one who gives you the name “human being”, Manas, true thinker. Through me you will recognise the thoughts of God again and realise them in the material.

Whenever I wake up, I wake up in Him, in perfection. Then everything is as it should be. I desire nothing and need nothing but what is. I don’t want to be any where else but where I am. I don’t want to do any other than what I am doing.

The light shines in the darkness, and through him I can see it. It shines through me. He, the Light Man, transforms everything in me and around me and in the whole world, indeed in the whole cosmos, into light and love with gentle relentlessness. He does not think in terms of time, he waits and works in loving patience until even the last spark of light has awakened and ended its long, dark journey through matter.

Whenever I wake up, I know: I have only one task – not to fall asleep again. To stay awake and help others wake up.

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Date: May 9, 2024
Author: Maria Amrhein (Germany)
Photo: girl-talib abdulla auf Pixabay CCO

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