The path towards the male damsel and the female squire – Part 1

In the development towards the Aquarian values of unity, freedom and love, of which love is the utmost, the awareness of unity plays a major role in this broken reality. The knowledge that the embedding of that unity in the whole together with freedom and love is inseparable, demands our astral orientation. Because we namely cannot simply reach the sublime state of consciousness of the equilateral triangle which puts unity, freedom and love before us as an hermetic aspect. We must sufficiently liberate ourselves of the self, so to speak, in order to allow the spiritual being (the mind that makes the two into one) to work through us.

The path towards the male damsel and the female squire – Part 1

Because this ‘self’ of us still has too many of its roots in separation, which among other things can be known by the separation of the genders. It is not about purifying that slave-self into a pure male or a pure female self as much as possible, no matter how high the cultural level may be.

The trick is precisely to explore the path towards the androgynous human or – as Boehme calls it – the male damsel – as a spiritual necessity. That is not an easy task, because that separation in man and woman is very deeply anchored in the human life-wave. Mythically and psychologically, it even already existed in the Garden of the Gods.

Physically and as far as the composite bodies are concerned, that separation has probably already existed for hundreds of thousands of years and certainly longer than the Old Testament and the Jewish epoch would like us to believe, which is based on a mere 6,500 years….

When the ovum is developing it shows us how soon that separation occurs: during the first weeks of a pregnancy the embryo is still one, still neutral, non-sexual, where-after the differentiation takes place. So from the earliest beginnings we are still male and female – or non-sexual – at the same time. After the differentiation the gender will determine how the consciousness will work.

The pledge of unity in the androgynous human

Still this perfect triangle of unity, freedom and love also carries the pledge of an exalted unity that is connected with the androgynous human being, which for several reasons also refers to the Aquarius human being.

One outer aspect can be the liberation from the patriarchy and the unexpected entering into a matriarchy, that supposedly would be annex with the transition into the Aquarius Era.

The hope for the arrival of this matriarchy results from the incredible imbalance of the male and female parts of our psyche, as the result of a centuries long patriarchy.

This disequilibrium is blamed on a patriarchal society, in which male values are dominant.

Carl Gustav Jung indicated the recognition of an underlying pattern  in men as a consequence of the one-sidedness and unbalance : they had to come to terms with their unconsciously present feminine contents. He called it the anima. In women he saw a corresponding tendency, namely a need to connect with the unconscious masculine, the animus.[1]

When will the rose start to bloom ?

The question is of course when will the soul, the psyche – which is independent, therefore free from the urge of the inverse polarity – start to grow. For it is clear that this will only happen when both energies within ourselves are harmonious; only then will we be able to function from whole-ness. Generally it is assumed that this detested patriarchy is responsible for the major imbalance over hundreds of thousands of years in our time-spatial  area.

However, recent investigations indicate that this was in fact not the case, meaning that until about 13.000 years ago it was always the matriarchy who structured human society.

At the same time we notice that a dominant matriarchy cannot give the guarantee for an exalted soul growth within humans. To that end it remains too much enclosed within opposites, no matter how harmonious. It is therefore an important question how this projection on the Aquarius era will truly offer solace.

Arch’ as the nucleus of worldly power

The nucleus of patriarchy and matriarchy is:  influencing and exercising power, represented by arch, the same nucleus that plays a role in hierarchy, architecture, anarchy. But also in the gnostic term ‘archons’. Archons are the ruling and leading powers in the universe of mortality, in the macrocosm as the domain of death.

Huge powers, that rule a very large area, like a galactic system such as our Galaxy.[2]

The element ‘arch’  in it –as ​​the core of power – has played a major role in almost every exercise of power in our world, especially in the last 13,000 years, giving the archons the opportunity to fortify and make their own ‘life’ dominant.

The term ‘anarchy’ traditionally suggests a disorder that is culturally subversive and unworkable, because it is not structured, and moreover represents a great danger of derailment, ending up outside any orbit. Anarchy is undesirable because of the need for structure.

There is probably no display of power possible without structure, and yet with spiritual impulses you often notice the assumption that striving for power can damage the development of the psyche, of the soul, especially in the quest for worldly power. Christ, Lao Zi and Spinoza clearly do not follow this pursuit of power, despite the vulnerability that can so arise, despite the apparent concession to a power structure that would enable you to fall back on. This is most striking in the so-called temptation in the desert, where all power offered is rejected in order to keep a spiritual way pure.

The exercise of power through hierarchies in the outer world, so the physical world, emanating from that core ‘arch’, always brings humans to a border, to an utter experiencing at the top. Because of the pyramidical shape that is connected with hierarchies, that top is narrow; only few are able to work from that point and often they are shielded by secrecy.

It is lonely at the top

then also goes for all pyramidical-hierarchical structures in dialectics: both a vertical separateness and a horizontal separation took their toll on a human scale.


(To be continued in part 2)


[1] Jung, Emma: Animus en Anima. Over het mannelijke in de vrouw en het vrouwelijke in de man, [About the male in the woman and the female in the man]. Lemniscaat, Rotterdam 1980 .

[2] Van Rijckenborgh, J., The gnostic mysteries of Pistis Sophia, Reflections on Book I, chapter 11 ‘The archons of the aeons.’ Rozekruis Pers, Haarlem 1991


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Date: January 7, 2022
Author: Frans Spakman (Netherlands)
Photo: Wonderlane on Unsplash CCO

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