The heart of the core – The heart of the earth in the news

The heart of the core – The heart of the earth in the news

In the language of wisdom, it is sometimes said to the disciple: ‘Direct your consciousness to the heart of the earth.’ The statement connects human consciousness to the planet we live on. 

In what follows, you can first discover something new about the earth. Further down in the article, that discovery is connected to human reality and the assignment to human consciousness.

The earth is shaking its crust. Scientists are taking advantage of the crisis to examine the heart of the earth. They measure the different speeds at which seismic waves enter and penetrate the earth’s inner core. Scientists recently discovered in this way that there is another inner core, also a solid sphere, but different from the one that encloses it. And that made a global newsflash. The model of the earth needs to be adjusted. Should you wish to read on, think of the earth as a conscious being, but of a completely different order from a human consciousness.

The earth is a sphere. The classical model distinguishes four spheres around the same centre. From the outside in: the crust is crystalline.  The mantle is semi-solid material; it is the area where diamonds grow. The outer core, more inward, is liquid. In the middle of it floats a solid inner core. That inner core was discovered in the 1930s using a similar method to that of investigating the propagation of earthquake waves.

Quite a lot of measurement points are used on the Earth’s surface in this study. Seismic waves from around two hundred earthquakes were analysed. These waves travel directly through the centre of the earth until they reach the location at the opposite end of the globe, the antipode, and then return to their starting point. Now the technique has been refined so that seismic waves are observed as they bounce up and down along the Earth’s diameter up to five times.
Central to the research is the concept of direction. Certain physical properties, such as the speed at which a wave evolves through a substance, differ with the direction in which the traversing wave moves. A simple image to establish the idea: when people stand in rows, you can quickly walk on between the rows but very laboriously try to move straight through them. The inner core of the earth is composed of iron-nickel compounds. The wave research and the observation of the influence of direction in it show that the crystal structure of the InnerMost Inner Core or IMIC probably differs from the structure in the outer layer of the inner core. In the outer layer of the inner core, the iron crystals lie in the north-south direction. In the IMIC along the east-west axis.
A story is then built around those observations and immediate conclusions. Researchers [2] from the team at the Australian National University suggest that at some point on the timeline of Earth’s evolution, a major global event occurred that led to a significant change in the crystal structure of Earth’s inner core. The inner core thus becomes like a time capsule of Earth’s history, a fossil deposit, serving as a gateway to events from the planet’s distant past.

‘I like to look at the inner core as a planet within a planet,’ says one of the researchers, Tkalcic. ‘It’s a solid ball, about the size of Pluto, a bit smaller than the moon. If we were somehow able to dismantle Earth by removing its mantle and the liquid outer core, the inner core would appear to radiate like a star. Its temperature is similar to that on the surface of the sun.’ Imagine this image: the heart of the earth is a sun! Inside that heart is then something else, the innermost inner core, which is structurally different from the outer inner core.
‘The latent heat released by the very slow solidification and hence growth of Earth’s inner core drives temperature-dependent currents in the liquid outer core, which generates Earth’s magnetic field. This magnetic field protects life on Earth from harmful cosmic rays.’ Earth thus makes this life possible.
The core, which lies more than five thousand kilometres below the Earth’s crust, began  solidifying about a billion years ago, and it is still growing, about half a millimetre a year. If the iron crystals of the innermost inner core are completely “tilted” compared to those of the outer inner core, something very substantial must have happened so that the orientation of the core has rotated. In this case, change is associated with an external cause. It is not seen as possibly changing consciously from within.

Another conclusion from the same study of seismic waves is: the Earth’s inner core appears to have slowed its own rotation, so that it now rotates more slowly than the mantle. This affects the Earth’s magnetic field and the length of the day (in milliseconds per year), among other things. Striking: here, a change from within is described.
The Earth’s solid inner core floats in the liquid outer core and can therefore rotate differently from the Earth itself. Its rotation is determined by the magnetic field of the outer core and balanced by gravitational effects in the mantle. This evokes the image of the magnetic needle of a compass floating in oil, pointing north unhindered. Which gives direction.

What do we see – continue to see – if we describe the earth model described a little more remotely ? A crust has formed, forming the interface in interaction with the environment, with the space of the solar system. This crust turns inwards into a kind of mixed form in which there is still some movement, slow currents. Then there is a zone full of melt, liquid with significantly more flowing motion due to temperature differences. More towards the centre, the core floats and moves within it. Inside the core sphere itself, there appears to be an even smaller sphere that shows a different solid structure. The difference is mainly in something that has to do with direction.
One of the further planned research steps in this model is to send a space probe to the asteroid called ’16 Psyche’. That chunk of stardust appears to consist mainly of iron and is seen as what was once a potential inner core of a future Earth in the making. Remarkable anyway that it is called Psyche!

Earth’s core is said to radiate like the surface of the sun, given its very high temperature (under very high pressure).
As humans, we are part of the earth. And we can read the earth as a metaphor for our own reality. An apprentice human is said to have in his heart a divine spark with an anomalous atomic structure and great radiant power. If it were dug out: a sun!
Concentrically around it are the different zones of man’s psyche. For example, in a mixed esoteric model, you can think of the astral body as the outer core. The aura shows an active pattern of ever-changing currents, of colour swirls. More outward you then encounter the ether body and the crust, the physical body, but also the psychic armour that we develop in interaction with fellow human beings, in an attempt to maintain some illusory nuclei of identity, that of the physical body, that of the ether body, that of the astral body. That then is self-preservation on the various levels of being human.

Looking again at the earth from that model of man. Consciousness of the earth is spread from the core all over the planet, beyond the earth’s crust. See in that context the magnetic field, the aura of the earth. In that cloud of consciousness, life and eventually humanity develops. When man develops the ability to think, he forgets his mother earth. In himself, the centre of consciousness moves towards the thinking head, no longer connected to the heart atom, no longer in the centre. On earth, an a-centric consciousness is now present in people, detached from the core. Throughout all times, every effort is being made to invite humans to re-align with the heart of the earth, and with their own rose of the heart. To reconnect with that heart. To let the direction of the evolution of their consciousness, of their movement, be determined by the core inside the core. Fundamental reversal rephrased: from being directed outwards, existing on an increasingly solid crust, to being directed inwards, to the heart, to the core.



[1] Various internet publications and videos (including VRT News; Vice; CNN)

[2] Thanh-Son Phạm and Hrvoje Tkalčić, researchers at The Australian National University

[3] Terra (publication Nature Geoscience)



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Date: February 11, 2024
Author: Eric Op 't Eynde (Belgium)

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