The Way Home

The Way Home




In our changing world, the experience of love alternates

with the longing for love.


In this homesickness there is a treasure,

for the sincere seeking that comes from this

is always answered.


In this treasure in our hearts there is an intuition

of a Love that is the connection with the whole,

beyond ‘I’ and ‘the other’.


On the way home

we don’t have to become a ‘better’ person,

but may the barriers,

that we placed between ourselves and our fellow man,

and which we placed between ourselves and Universal Love,

be let go.


Perhaps that Love does not ask to be sung about,

but that we

created by Love

become creators of Love ourselves.



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Article info

Date: March 22, 2024
Author: Christian Bruin (Netherlands)
Photo: Mirjam Aigner CCO

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