Reason and Power – Part 2

"He who attaches no value to power has attained supreme wisdom."

Reason and Power – Part 2

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A power structure

Also business life, trade institutions and companies share in the advantage of the susceptibility for fear and the impulsive act by the consumer which can be the consequence thereof. Nowadays multinationals have the advantage for the preservation and expansion of their power position that separate nations have enormously lost their influence. In the meantime the multinationals often are more powerful than the separate nations. The lesson that multinationals have learned from church and state is organizing a power structure, a pattern of dependence according to the level of functioning. Not just the hierarchy of top-down working, but for a lower level also the unforthcoming of information of and about a higher level. All this within a strict obedience culture, so that the balance of power remains secured, using key notions like safety and control. In this way the company functions excellently.

 A descending system?

Institutions still have control over a lot of power and practice that power relentlessly, especially because the structure of money trade and the methods of financing reinforce this. This means that the developed dominant framework of stockholders capitalism within a neo-liberal context cuts off any future-supporting humane, planet-caring and diversity as a new reality. The conditions are inexorable efficiency, growth and dividend benefits for the stock holders, because they possess the all-determining power. To that end the enterprises, private persons and acquisition funds sink further and further into a state of debt. The economist Maarten Schinkel sees this method as

an attempt to squeeze with a lever the very last remains of yield from an economic system that hurries towards its end. [1]

 The emperor

However, we are still talking about the ‘worldly power’, the power of Caesar, the emperor, the power of the hierarchy of this world as it is granted to the people, because in principle the population is  free to organize the world economy and the world’s housekeeping according to its own insights, although submitted to the laws of nature.

 The sleeping king within us

Still, we would like to open our being for that other power, the power of him or her who has conquered himself and through that has become stronger than someone who captures a city and even becomes all-mighty. The power of the king that we are within, the power of the royal spirit, as Frederik van Eeden [2] has called them.

According to Marten Toonder that king is napping on this throne, [3] although he claims only to desire the gold of the spirit and does not want to possess the material gold. But in the story the king only uses reason if and when he is awakened by a female element, a young lady that is able to bring about his entering into state of awareness. The same goes for chess where we see the exact same relation: compared to the queen the king is a rather passive and powerless “person”, who as the most important element of the game is forced to surrender by the opponent, and even checkmated.

 What is the reason why we do not want to elevate our inner kingdom to power through reason?

We have tried so in western culture with people like Ficino, Bruno, Spinoza, Comenius, Boehme, Von Eckartshausen, Kierkegaard and many others, who made it clear that striving for worldly power checkmates the true human reasoning and next to that they have indicated – each one of them in his or her own way – how the world of the spirit can be approached. Yet, despite those giants of the spirit that are acknowledged and recognized in their inspiration, modern human beings still persevere in their striving for power in the world. This is worded by the German sociologist Hartmut Rosa [4] as follows:

Modernity is based on the idea that we are able to completely overpower our surroundings, also nature.

You might say:

the king has gone back to sleep in false self-repentance.

Meanwhile our Environment more and more escapes our power and the planet and nature are forcing us to a new self-reflection. Thereby we may discover that the institutionalized pressure, the atmospheric fear, the still increasing control of whatever behavior whatsoever, the impossible demand of absolute safety, have maneuvered us into a fixed position. In this way the soul is completely bound and we find ourselves as imprisoned, slaves of habituation, of prosperity, of the ‘screen’ and of pseudo-safety. We are powerless to awaken the king to life.











The soul as noble female energy 

Still, all this is illusion. Life offers us more than conforming to a questionable system. However, we have to commit to a distinct observation of how deep our state of slavery is. If we can at all withdraw from the binding power of our senses by extinguishing that power, we should not think that in doing so we are liberated from the powers of this world.  In this process the importance to awaken the soul (with its noble, female energy) remains essential, so that the king can be awakened.  The soul has nonetheless traveled through all spheres of eons, as is described in the Pistis Sophia, encountering an  immaterial, huge and dramatic past of humanity. A past that atmospherically is also present in the now.

 The Pistis Sophia

The power structure of the current worldly powers (religious institutions, multinationals, political unities) is permeated with the “hungry ones” of the archons. Those archon powers namely are strongly dependent for their nourishment on the production of human ethers, that we ever since Abraham’s days  submit to them in slavery obedience. It is important to recognize that possession, property, money and making profit cause the astral lure powers to take shape for this ether production. Moreover a top layer of human entities has been formed that through this worldly power can maintain a Saturn system. This means, that  hierarchically speaking, top-down, elite-conscious puissant riches in money are in the possession of very few. The way in which such a system functions is among other things described in the comic strip De bovenbazen [5] by Marten Toonder.

If we extinguish the binding force of the senses and have become strong within our soul through the victory over ourselves, then from the quietness that has grown within us, a magnificent self-confidence arises.

The special light connected therewith as a merciful power at the same time enables us to intersect the power structure of the world. We enter into the state of consciousness in which we do not want to control and force but we truly start to listen, based upon the new self-confidence.

 Gnostic light power

We immediately recognize the smell of fear, the compulsive control, the captivity, the demand for profit of a revenue model, the serfdom to authorities, to managements, to the “emperor”. In this respect we can help with our soul quality, that is filled with gnostic light power. Not by fighting, but through our presence, our attention and our helpfulness. In this way we form a royal pair of soul and spirit. A new ruler steps forward. The role of reason has turned into wisdom that reflects inwardly in silence.

The hermetic testimony of this non-worldly wisdom is the center, the balance of the soul on a high level of vibration, the silence that indeed is life.

That reason has no more “tutors” of the world (Hermes); that reason is beyond the affections of unreasonable emotions (Ethics, Spinoza). The power of reason needs no power structure, no subjects, no blind faith, but is “of itself”, as the Dao The Ching reports. In Chapter 27-VI of the Chinese Gnosis it is explained why:

He who attaches no value to power has attained supreme wisdom.[6]



[1] Maarten Schinkel, katern Economie, NRC, 26/27 september 2020

[2] Frederik van Eeden, De koninklijken van geest (The Royals in Spirit)

[3] Marten Toonder, Koning Hollewijn (King Hollewijn)

[4] Hartmut Rosa, Die Unverfügbarkeit  (The Unavailability), Suhrkamp, 2018

[5] Marten Toonder, De bovenbazen (The Super Bosses), De Bezige Bij, 1963

[6] Jan van Rijckenborgh and Catherose de Petri, De Chinese Gnosis (The Chinese Gnosis), Chapter 27-VI, Rozekruis Pers, Haarlem 1996

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Date: February 16, 2021
Author: Frans Spakman (Netherlands)
Photo: Dimitris Christou via Pixabay

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