Existence, what is that?

“Neighbor, do you believe in God?” He hangs from the window of his room upstairs, I am busy in the garden. “Yeah, I believe in God.” He starts playing again, reassured. I get it, his parents don't care about any religion, but they did put him in Catholic primary school because that's the closest. Well, then you have to check it as a child in your environment: what about that, who believes and who does not believe in God?

Existence, what is that?

In retrospect, I think I made it easy. You either believe or you don’t. But if so, what do you believe in? Then you won’t be finished with your answer so quickly. Then you have to deal with millennia of theological history, martyrs, religious wars, heretic persecutions, church splits and splits from there… And also: if not, what do you not believe in? Then the whole science comes over you with discourses about the (lack of) evidence of the existence of God. Endless…

Let it all go, try to formulate only what you ‘believe in’, you think to yourself. Faith is a term that in human opinion is associated with institutions in which a faith is professed. People adhere to rules, laws, regulations, to a certain form in which God is thought and spoken, a certain form of worship, a certain form of association with ‘non-believers’. All shapes. And if you don’t want all those shapes? Then you arrive at the pure belief in ‘something greater than you’, which you rely on, which you want to surrender to. Now that the churches are emptying in the West, that has become much more the trend: to believe ‘there is something’.

The theme of this LOGON is: the many faces of God. Look, that’s positive. It is reminiscent of a statement: God is all in all. You can chew on that for a while. If you let that sink in deeply, you come close to the grandeur of this thought. God is breath, is life, is consciousness, is love, is in every atom, is the creator of all that is, is nearer than hands and feet.

Let’s start at the beginning. The wonder that is life has still not been solved by science. That a baby as soon as it is born starts to use its lungs, to breathe, to breathe until it dies, that is God. Yes, everything on Earth breathes. The jungles are the lungs of the world. How wonderful is that not arranged, humans use oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, with trees and plants it is the other way around. A perfect cycle, that is God. And what does man do?

Every 5, 6, 7 seconds, year after year, a ‘football field of trees’ is felled, the respiratory cycle is obstructed. Is it any wonder that people can no longer breathe due to a pandemic? Also the water balance on earth: rain that flows to the seas and evaporates into clouds that come down again elsewhere as rain, it is a perfect cycle. That’s God. And what does man do? Builds unimaginably large dams: the reservoir for Africa’s largest power station in Ethiopia in the Nile has finally flooded after six years (!); it is now 500 kilometers long and 30 kilometers wide. Everything for the electricity. The countries downstream now receive far too little water, the sludge is no longer deposited and has been replaced by fertilizer. The land becomes salinated and yields much less. Here, too, the respiratory cycle has largely come to a halt. Is it any wonder that there is a war over water! God has many more faces. Read (for example in Peter Wohlleben, “The hidden life of trees” about how trees in the forest communicate flawlessly underground with each other, protect each other and how the strong support the weak. How water is the carrier of emotions. More and more wonderful discoveries are made of the divine in everything.

God and man. It seems that the many faces of God are not visible to man, who continues to draw his own plan in willfulness, even when things threaten to go wrong. All the combustion engines of the world on fossil energy together, on land, at sea and in the air, all power stations, it turns out that the earth is heating up too much; islands in the ocean have already disappeared, and measures are being taken. But in the meantime, data centers, bitcoins, algorithms, 5G networks, increasingly sophisticated telephones, the cloud and whatever it is called, demand more and more electricity. The hunger for electricity is insatiable. The fact that every combustion here also costs oxygen is seen as an unavoidable factor. Is there enough oxygen on Earth? And we put the CO2 underground. Society as a whole continues to focus on more, more. More and more total dependence on electricity.

That man is called to order because of what he himself has wrought is also a sight of God. It is through God’s love that the consciousness of humanity is being awakened as he is turning the earth into an uninhabitable planet.

Believing “that there is something” is an overly thin formulation. Believing that “everything is there” because God willed it, that is it. Believing that mankind has received the earth as a school, that experiencing the contradictions, the halfness and the limitations of this material world is necessary for this learning process, that is believing in God, in divine intention. God’s love gives man again and again opportunities to turn to that truth. Believing in God is believing that we have been given insight: the insight that it is about following divine love, in order to finally rise above the world of contradictions, to return to the world of unity that we once voluntarily left. It is choosing an infinitely higher form of electricity: the electric fire ether, which can lead us to a new state of consciousness. If that fire ether can penetrate our being, we will change, the divine core within us will be able to unfold.

Then there is an intense inner knowing: God is all in all. There is no longer any need to prove the existence of God. In essence there is nothing but God. And that’s you.

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Date: July 30, 2021
Author: Anneke Stokman-Griever (Netherlands)
Photo: Adina Voicu on Pixabay CCO

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