The more we relax and turn to this quiet force within us, feeling its peace, silence and awareness that it is always there, the more we will live consciously with it.
Men are never happier than when they know themselves, nor more unhappy than when they deceive themselves.
Those who know themselves are instructed in what is right for them and can thus acquire what they need, what is in their capacity. Thus they avoid many mistakes.
Your time is limited. So don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by the dogma of living by the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other people’s opinions overwhelm your own inner voice. And above all, have the courage to follow your heart and your intuition. These two already know what you really want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs
Either you develop your ideas, or someone else develops them for you. Or you do what you want to do, or you carry out someone else’s plans.
Many people feel like they’re on a merry-go-round: they’re constantly moving around without going anywhere. They are constantly moving from one relationship to another, from one project to the next, always hoping that the latest find will bring them what they are looking for. They are desperate for change, but they don’t know how to bring it about. So they keep repeating the same old patterns over and over. If this sounds familiar to you and every new disappointment seems like a trip down memory lane, then take heart: you are dragging yourself down day by day in dissatisfaction and it doesn’t have to be that way.
To be in the ‘flow’ you need to appreciate your own ability to think and be unique. People succeed by discovering themselves and being in tune with themselves, so that they can go with the ‘flow’, the current of life.
Being in tune with ourselves is about finding a place within ourselves where we can exist. It is about overcoming the struggle we have with ourselves. In this way, intention and results come together through our ‘alignment’: what I want, what I think, how I talk about it, what I feel and how I act.
What I want
All solutions start with ourselves. The secret of our harmony is to establish a balance between our thoughts, emotions and activities (which we achieve through our daily choices). How we live, from our seemingly smallest thoughts to our big decisions, determines the harmony in our personal energy.
What I think
Balanced thoughts are neither parasitic nor anxious; they are calm, focused and attentive to the task at hand. This mental state begins with self-acceptance and continues with equanimity in the face of life’s vagaries.
How I talk about it
I am aware of the reason for my actions because this awareness is a powerful force. There are many ways to achieve my vision, so I remain flexible and confident.
What I feel
Our soul and heart are sacred. Universal Life vibrates in and around us all the time. The more we sincerely acknowledge this part of who we are, both on a conscious and vibrational level, the more clarity we will bring to everything we do.
The more we relax and turn to this quiet force within us, feel its peace, silence and awareness that it is always there, wherever we are, whatever we are doing… the more we will consciously live with it because it lives with us constantly… LET US RETURN TO THIS AWARENESS AS MANY TIMES AS WE CAN!
How I act
Although there are no hard and fast rules to define the difference between a right and a wrong action, we know it in our hearts. Every time we think a thought, make a decision, speak or act, we know in our heart whether it is right or wrong.
Our decisions in each moment shape who we are and who we are becoming. They are truly defining moments.
To create the highest vibration, we must become aware of how we spend our physical and emotional energy. If our lives are overloaded with endless tasks, and we are running from appointment to appointment, then our vibration is agitated, and we will attract difficulties and troubles from others.
Nothing we do is without purpose, whether we are aware of it or not. We must become aware of our intentions. Every action, every desire, every behaviour we choose comes from different purposes in the background. Although the action itself may be the same, a different intention can completely transform our energy and thus change the situations we attract into our lives.
The power of our intentions is such that it can change our vibration and therefore the circumstances of our lives. Everything we do is powered by this force. For example, when we do our work, we may intend to do our best, or we may drag ourselves miserably through the day, resenting the fact that we have to be there. Which option do you think will give the best result?
If we spend our days in the constant distraction of addictive or self-indulgent activities, this state of being can disorganise our energy, create imbalance and interrupt the fluid movement of our daily lives.
We cannot view the world as a permanently competitive arena without developing a fear-based approach to our goals. For in so doing, we are destined to live in apprehension and to act on the basis of urgency and desperation.
We need to move from desperation to determination. The former is a fear-based need for the desired outcome, a frenzy of last-minute action that gives the impression of being active, alive and serving a purpose. The second, on the contrary, allows us to act peacefully but with perseverance, knowing that our action is the one that must be done because it is imposed on us from the depths of the soul. These experiences are diametrically opposed.
When we engage in the right action, we know it. Our heart is filled with joy and sings a particularly attractive melody.
Today is a “present”. No, this is not a play on words but an energetic truth.