So Thought, So Done

So Thought, So Done

Between feeling, thinking, and acting, there can be abysses of uncertainties. It is up to us to connect the dots!

We all make plans. But what happens when we discover that our life follows a divine plan even though we are not lofty individuals or celestial heroes. We only know that there is a luminous compass in our hearts, pointing to our North. But do we choose the path? How do we know when to be silent and when to speak, when to act or not to act or how to move forward when we don’t even know where we really are?

Childhood brings fleeting memories. Among them, the ones that mark us the most are the stories told by our parents. These stories always narrated fables, legends, adventures, and journeys.

Some expressions from the stories of the “Treasure of Youth” marked our lives. One of them was “So thought, so done!”. This phrase was always used at the exact moment when the narrator caught the hero in his first step of the journey, already feeling prepared to put his travel plans into practice. With this phrase as a mantra, we felt truly determined!

Thinking about life as a succession of small journeys that lead us to so many different directions, I realized that, between one decision and another, there always arises in my heart a vague feeling of something that I need to plan and fulfill: my path of soul, of Real Life.

Sometimes we spend our time entangled in small daily obligations, considered important, but that end up becoming routine and falling into automatism. It’s because we are lost in the core of doing, without truly thinking or feeling.

There are also those moments when we are caught off guard, and they demand immediate resolutions of feeling-thinking-acting. So, often we stumble upon the impulse of feelings and run over our actions, without any objective planning.

On other occasions, when we are a little more lucid, we realize – with the antenna of intuition – that many of those knots between feeling-thinking and acting are points of important change that require careful scrutiny, attitudes, and very well-planned actions. It’s the moment of balance between head, heart, and hands!

It’s because a well-focused action goes straight to the point. It’s at this moment that the smallest action, of a minimum being, in a common everyday life, shows its real greatness! And this happens because the widest and highest action, with all its magnitude, can always act from a minimum well-focused gesture!

It’s no coincidence that Egyptian wisdom said that outside and inside, small and large, low or high are relative concepts, but they interact within a universe where microcosm, cosmos, and macrocosm correspond in a perfect plan; where feeling, thinking, and acting harmonize perfectly.

But what about us? We often have different feelings from what we really think, and act or refrain from acting in a totally different manner from what we feel and think?

Ah, but the day will come when we will wake up determined and start the journey! The first step must be to deautomatize routine actions – to look at the day that dawns as a unique event. We must take it in our hands and examine it. We don’t need to cling to trivial tasks: we can simply follow the itinerary without stress. Thus, we break out of the cycle of “I need to do this” and decidedly take action and do what really matters to our soul, at the precise moment.

If possible, we shall depart “to meet the rising sun, at the break of day, with an open heart, an uncovered head, and bare feet, jubilant and overflowing with joy”!

May it be a resplendent day, the day when our luminous compass managed to lead us “back to the Father’s House”! And, even though we are prodigal children, who squandered the paternal treasures, we will be received with a Feast of Light: the Light that never goes out.

At that moment, I can even hear the voice of the narrator catching the beginning of another of our decision-making moments: “So thought, so done!”.


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Article info

Date: December 3, 2024
Author: Group of LOGON authors (Brazil)
Photo: by katerinakucherenko from Pixabay (CCO)

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