Human relations in the coming Aquarius age, part 1

Is there a place for 'Aquarius values' in life on earth?

Human relations in the coming Aquarius age, part 1

Now that we have struggled with the fundamental requirements of keeping distance, physically and psychologically, it is important to explore the direction in which the increase in vibration level could ideally result: in the experience of Aquarius values.


Because it is about human relationships.


Because the relationships between human peers are essential for all life on earth.

You might ask:

Is there a place for ‘Aquarius values’ in life on earth?

Not yet, obviously not yet, and maybe we are further away from it than ever.

Take, for example, the thirty-one year old journalist Jia Tolentino (The New Yorker). According to her, our current values are destructive to our survival. In her book Trick MirrorJia Tolentino, Trick Mirror, HarperCollins Publishers 2020 she states, among other things:

Like so many people of my generation, I have grown into a vulnerable, panic-stricken, unstable adult because I saw from an early age that cheating pays off.


Enlightenment and Romanticism

Nevertheless, many social phenomena bear witness to the increased vibrations that have been deployed to lift up Europe, and hence the world. Since the end of the eighteenth century, it is mainly human consciousness that has been the focus of this elevation. And whether it is caused by the Uranus radiation from our own solar system, or any other cause, is not an issue.

Take, for example, the period from about 1789. In many observations it is said that this period was culturally marked by the Enlightenment and Romanticism, and one immediately shouts that this Enlightenment and Romanticism did not help us as humanity on our way to unity, freedom and love, or liberté, égalité, fraternité. In spite of their idealistic approach, both the French Revolution and the American struggle for freedom have achieved the opposite, and the same is true of the emancipatory innovations that have taken place over the last two centuries. Apparently, the increase in vibrations of human consciousness very quickly hit the ceiling and bumped back to harsher worldly relations of struggle and violence. That is why some describe the impulses of Enlightenment and Romanticism as

false forces on the long road to the values of Aquarius.


The classic measure is history

The exalted principles of Pythagoras and Plato, the measure of the beautiful, the true and the good, were those of pure proportions, of whole numbers, of perfect figures and regular bodies, as concretions of abstract concepts. Concretions that attempted to embody the ideal. In the interesting book The invisible measureAndreas Kinneging, De Onzichtbare Maat (The Invisible Measure), Uitgeverij Prometheus 2020 by Andreas Kinneging, the author takes those classical measures as his starting point, those measures that he derives from Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle and Augustine. He observes that Enlightenment and Romanticism fell far short of the almost divine principles – those of a good and clear distinction between good and evil; classical values that will seem more or less familiar to us. Enlightenment and Romanticism, on the other hand, have resulted in an enormous increase in consumption and selfishness.

Nevertheless, especially in the last few centuries, we learned more about the relativity of so-called fixed values such as ‘good’ and ‘evil’, with which the irrefutable dimensioning of Antiquity also came to be seen in a different light. The beautiful, the good and the true, the lofty stepping stones of Plato and Pythagoras, became relative.


The intercosmic ethers of the primal substance

Central to the above mentioned concretions was the concept of ether, as a shaping force. Now J. van Rijckenborgh shows in chapter XV of The coming new manJ. van Rijckenborgh, The coming new man, Rozekruis Pers, Haarlem 2017 that only outside the physical sphere and its reflection sphere the ether conditions are pure, and therefore completely different, because there the intercosmic ethers arise directly and harmoniously from the original primal substance. Consequently, in the time of transition to Aquarius, in our concrete reality, we must not approach the manifestations of the good, the beautiful and the true in such a way that they would correspond to them. Certainly not in their individual workings.


The sound of pure illusion

What might have been expressive in Antiquity, cannot maintain its dimensions in our time. An example in this respect is Pythagoras’ music theory of pure sound proportions. In this theory a ‘pythagoric rest’ has always been used to make the vibration, the system, right. But in the (conscious) need that arose for modulations in all keys, this system could not stand: the sound ratios could not hold on to their pure numbers and had to ‘squeeze’, that is to say reduce slightly and, except for the octave, crawl under the ’round’ numerical ratios. This caused them to float in their vibrational relations, one ratio worse than the other. In the seventeenth century Simon Stevin found something about this: if the floating tuning became average, so that a similarly floating tuning arose, a temperature could be made that was hardly audibly false: Das Wohltemperierte Klavier was born. The wait was only for a great composer like Bach who was able to illustrate a universe of maximum modulations with a range of works.

Another example, which Kepler brought into consciousness, is the orbits of the planets around the sun, which, contrary to Plato’s suggestion, run in an ellipse. But even essential proportions such as pi and phi (golden section) are not based on pure numbers at all, and in the limited reality of the ethers that shape our field of life, beauty is a lie. A beautiful French village seems beautiful and romantic from afar, but if you come closer you will see the reality of stinking stables and impassable roads, as indicated in The Chinese GnosisJ. van Rijckenborgh and Catharose de Petri, The Chinese Gnosis, Rozekruis Pers, Haarlem 1987 , also by J. van Rijckenborgh. Thus

the ugly can be called a proof of the appearance of the beautiful.

Likewise, the bad is proof that the good is not good.

And the true then, how has that persisted in the last centuries?

More and more it became clear that truths are accepted concepts, necessary to maintain a civil ‘civilization’. Nietzsche put it this way:

Truths are illusions that have been forgotten to be illusions, metaphors that are worn out and have literally become powerless.F. Nietzsche, On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense, Createspace Independent Publishing Platform 2015


Unity, freedom and love are connected

The vibration increase on the way to Aquarius does not tolerate the measure of Antiquity. It is like the Old Testament, which should become new in us, but cannot because the wine bottles are old. The new truth cannot be given as a single definition, as an unshakeable, rigid formula. For Aquarius time that truth is an organic unity in interdependence: It is like an equilateral triangle (thanks to Pythagoras!) of unity, freedom and love. But pay attention to the coherence: because there is no unity without freedom, there is no love without unity, there is no freedom without love.


Vibration increase resonates with the ‘male damsel’

The actual increase in vibration results in an act of consciousness. A state of being and doing which in any case has to do with people. A state of being that has as its energy the fire ether, the first ether that has been released from the compulsive nature of the dialectic. But the human species is governed by the concept of two; man is far from unequivocal and the concept of two is central to it, which is strongly expressed, for example, in the separation of the sexes.

Could this be the case everywhere in intercosmic ether space outside the avenging dialectic? Would there be separation of sexes in the domains of mirrorless purity, as we know it here on earth? At least as far as the human life wave is concerned, which after all also exists in other cosmic realities? That does not seem to be the case, at least not as far as Jacob Boehme is concerned. He speaks of the androgynous celestial man as ‘masculine damsel’J. Boehme, Dialogues on the Supersensual Life, Kessinger Publishing 1992. Aquarius therefore asks us to prepare ourselves as transfigured man, as the male-female we originally were. And we are helped in this by the vibrational increase of people and of the earth that has been set in motion, but we must learn to live out of a unity that is inextricably bound up with freedom and love.


Fire renews nature

Aquarius isn’t really a man, but a human being. Man in one piece, in which the female and male have undergone a chemical fusion, ignited by the ether of fire. In profane astrology, Aquarius (that means waterman, the waterbearer) is the most feminine masculinity and the most masculine femininity. He-she lives in ‘the valley of the realm’, of which it is said in the Tao Teh King:

He who knows his masculine power while maintaining feminine gentleness is the valley of the realm.Loa Tzi, Tao Teh King, Chapter 28

But going back to that original (male-female) unity is of course no sinecure and rightly so that esoteric alchemy presents it as a fire process, in which body, soul and spirit start to form a new unity. In Christian revelation that fire process depends on a spiritual force (he who makes the two one) and that spiritual force is related to freedom (where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom). And it therefore becomes not so much a ‘back’ to the original unity, but a ‘forward’ to the new unity. Through a (hopefully soon) approaching merging process in the power of that ‘spirit of the Lord’.

To be continued in part 2

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Date: September 10, 2020
Author: Frans Spakman (Netherlands)
Photo: Sabine Löwer auf Pixabay CCO

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