Be an Observer

Be an Observer

There is much benefit in being able to observe instead of react.

An observer is a watcher, one who stands at a distance from a situation yet is still involved.
One who doesn’t react, who maintains a neutral attitude, yet is not indifferent.
Someone who can be involved, but with compassion.
An observer is like a passer-by, watching, helping if required, but moving on.
An observer maintains a sense of tranquility, does not expend energy uselessly by reacting.
An observer does not take sides, yet is supportive.
An observer can receive and provide a different perspective, a different direction, a clearer insight.
An observer does not judge, accepting people and situations as they are.

Right now on our planet we are all in very challenging, very stressful situations.
Right now on our planet we are being called to be observers.
How does one become an observer?
First and foremost – observe yourself!

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Article info

Date: August 19, 2024
Author: Pam Wattie (Australia)
Photo: Arnaud Girault on unsplash CCO

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