How often I find myself thinking:
Is there really a spiritual path?
After all, what is this path
that is so far from our common consciousness?
Do I need to find anything,
someone or something to awaken me
and show me this path?
Sometimes I think that we have many kinds of consciousness… or a few.
They show themselves in moments of doubts, of frights,
of apprehensions, of anguish and joy too.
But there are so many internal paths,
of the mind and heart, and why not to say – of the actions too?
Ah! Consciousness of the Real!
Where are you?
Where are you walking?
I search for you so much!
Where and how can I find you?
In the nooks of my mind,
in the little boxes with different titles.
I search for you! Where is spiritual consciousness born?
I find nothing, and I go in the way of actions.
And I search for how to act.
And suddenly, a deep silence.
And my heart beats stronger and stronger,
As if he, the Heart, wants to talk to me…
And, in the silence of this beating within me,
an inner voice jumps out.
Not my voice:
another voice, which repeats, once, twice, three times:
“Spiritual consciousness comes from the longing heart,
From the truth-seeking heart, from the resonating heart.
The real consciousness is within you.”
I do need to silence
and to realize that,
that voice is not my voice.
And follow the path that leads,
to meet those who are also seeking,
finding the group of seekers
who followed the Call from the Heart of the World,
From the Spiritual World,
which unites us
in a unique Heart,
that is one with the Spiritual Path.