A space created for something unseen
A vast space.
Multitudes upon multitudes of vessels of all shapes and sizes, colours and creeds all filled to the brim with their own particular liquid.
The vast space is slowly being heated by an even vaster heat, the temperature progressively rising and continuing to do so.
Within each vessel, at a time determined by its size and content, the liquid is slowly coming to the boil. Each at its own time and according to its own inner process.
Bubbles start to rise to the surface, exploding into steam, into vapour, into nothingness.
From an earthly perspective the vessels appear to be becoming empty, in their own time period, nothing eventually to be seen of their contents.
But wait, something else is happening!
Do you see the space created, a space created for something unseen, something unperceived, to fill? Something entirely different.
As each vessel in its own individual time is emptied, purified by its inner process, another reality can enter, can permeate, can express.
The vessels become progressively filled with another reality, another completely different life expression.
The vast space is our world, the vessels it’s population of multitudes of peoples all undergoing the one same process.
That is the plan and we, all of us, are awaiting its fulfilment, its result.