There was a time…

There was a time…

There was a time

when life’s rhythm was smooth,

when faith was natural,

at home,

and in the whole world,

and Hope was in everything,



Fortunate times

of learning

and simplicity


The future was certain

for the general wellbeing,

and for everything,


Purity had a place

and Love was a real possibility.

We were children,

and lived like children,

and the world was also a child…

it seems…



we live in another time,


and challenging.


We are the same,

but our perception of life has changed,

and our consciousness is confused.


We grew fast

and let our dreams aside.

We made of a vast and rich world

our property,

our possession.


We forgot all

that impelled us


We replaced everything

by desires,

by what I want.


How much more do we have to fall?

Return to innocence

is not possible,

but purity,



Who will provide the ropes

to take us out of this pit?

We are divided,

separated from each other

within the whole world.


I plead

to the ones who go through


who search

the way out,

that may the ones who see

and carry the light


the ones that are still in the dark.


For I am certain that

the eagle which threads its flight

at celestial heights,

and observes it all,


is ready to come in aid

to us all.

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Article info

Date: November 13, 2024
Author: Group of LOGON authors (Brazil)
Photo: by Sasint from Pixabay (CCO)

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