The transformation of the grey lords

The transformation of the grey lords

A long time ago, in a distant galaxy, there existed a group of creatures whose appearance earned them the name “the grey lords”.

A tale from the cosmos

A long time ago, in a distant galaxy, there existed a group of creatures whose appearance earned them the name “the grey lords”. Many eons ago, these small beings decided to reshape the rules and laws of the cosmos according to their own ideas. At the time, they were still young and not very conscious and therefore allowed themselves to be influenced by an impulse from the dark, from the depths of existence. In doing so, they defied the plan underlying cosmic development. They were unaware of the consequences. It was a high price they had to pay.

For they lost a significant part of their own creative power. They became smaller in appearance and turned grey. Access to the effervescent, pure forces of origin was closed off and from then on they only participated in life indirectly by influencing other beings, drawing energy from them and thus creating their own experiences. The supreme creator allowed them to do this; they were allowed to approach other life forms in order to put them to the test. The grey masters had the task of confronting emerging species. They were to learn to trust their inner selves and resist the temptations of other beings. Before any of the inexperienced species could reach the next stage of development, they were tested by the grey creatures.

These became as border guards in space.

They wandered around aimlessly, no longer finding any meaning in their existence and at some point stopped asking the question of meaning. One day, they arrived in a new cosmic region. There they came across a very large sleeping human. The giant was so big that he took up the entire space in which he slept. Nothing seemed to disturb him in his deep slumber. The little grey men were fascinated by his size.

With the instinct that was innate in them, they sensed the secret of the great being: his dreams. Everything he wished for in his dreams came true. In this way, he had created a solar system with a life-giving sun and planets that were beautifully formed. And he had endowed all these celestial bodies with the most diverse forms of life, with bodies of fire and light, bodies of solid matter and also those that were formed from the waves of water. Just like the “grey lords” of old, all these creatures were to gradually awaken to themselves. But there was still a long way to go until then. To be more precise, the great human form would awaken in them one day when “the time is fulfilled”. And that would also mean their own fulfilment. The awakening of the great being depended on the development of its creatures. However, the grey lords knew nothing of this. Their arrival, however, changed the giant’s dreams. The little grey creatures decided to use these dreams to their advantage and began to suggest their own innermost longings and desires to him. They made themselves part of his dream life and, without thinking about it, they became part of his world sphere.

On the first night, the great man transformed himself for them into a king who ruled a great kingdom on one of his planets and possessed great wealth. The grey lords were impressed by his splendour and gave him their own little wishes. One wished for beautiful fields of flowers, and another wished for adventure and a great journey around the planet.

The king, who was in reality the great sleeping man, dreamed of all these things – and they came true. The little people were delighted and began to make the wishes more and more ambitious and exotic. Some wished for golden chests full of jewels, others wanted to live in a castle and still others wanted to be able to fly.

After a while, they began to demand more and more, as they were no longer satisfied with what they had received so far. They also clashed more and more in their greed. They each demanded more space for themselves, more wealth, more possessions, more exciting adventures. Each desire became more excessive and more wilful – and the giant gave in. The result was wars between the grey lords and the exploitation of the planet. But the more he fulfilled the wishes, the emptier the great man felt. His dream life was disturbed.

And so at some point he heard a soft voice: “Get up and wake up from your sleep. You have taken a yoke upon yourself.”

It was his own inner voice. He gradually woke up and realised that he had been absorbed by the wishes of small beings.

The grey lords experienced a shock and became very confused. Startled, they realised that their wishes and dreams were no longer coming true. They felt that someone was looking at them from the outside, but also from the inside.

The giant saw their suffering and despair, and compassion welled up inside him. “I can help you,” he said kindly.

He explained to them that deep within them lived their own desires and dreams, dreams that came from their origins, and he encouraged them to listen to their inner voice, then they would find their own path to happiness and fulfilment.

The grey creatures recognised the power of his love and forgiveness. He taught them how to overcome their inner obstacles and connect with their true nature.

At first the little masters were sceptical, but then they began to realise that the giant was speaking the truth. They allowed themselves to be penetrated by his wisdom and felt how this opened up a source within them from which pure energy and creative power gushed forth. They realised that they themselves were the builders of their own happiness and that true fulfilment did not come from external impulses, but from their inner being. This now also had an effect on the great man, as his awakening accelerated. And not only his, but also that of the other life forms on the planet, which now also included the grey lords.

To their great astonishment, they realised that they were suddenly reconnected with the original life and experienced themselves in harmony with the all-encompassing. Their eyes were opened, enabling them to perceive the reality of the universe and the development of creation in a new way. In time, they were no longer called “grey lords” by the other creatures, but were given the name “radiant creators”, because their once grey skin had filled with colour and their whole body radiated with inner beauty.

The great giant had awoken in them. And now they were no longer small, but had become instruments of his work. The planet, which had been damaged by their greed, began to regenerate and shine in new splendour. The mercy of the great being and their devotion to him were the key to transformation. A part of the “radiant creators” remained with the giant, becoming his garments, his limbs, his senses, as it were, with which he could act on the planet. All life forms on it unfolded in ever higher levels of joy, consciousness and oneness.

Another part of the “radiant creators” moved on. For the universe is waiting for those who have found themselves and who give the impulses for awakening.

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Date: October 13, 2024
Author: René Lukas (Germany)
Photo: cosmos-Peter Schmidt auf Pixabay CCO

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