The law of eternity

The law of eternity

Does such a law exist, or, can it even be called a “law”?

Through freedom become what you are through destiny.
Hugo von Hoffmannsthal

Cosmic Laws on Different Levels

Cosmic laws express themselves through movements that take place in the primal substance of creation.  Movement is perhaps the most fundamental law, the beginning of all laws, if eternity itself is not already regarded as a law.

The essence of a human beings is expressed through movement. When animated life ceases, the organism disintegrates back into its component parts. In this sense, movement is expressed through physical locomotion within space and time, and even every thought is a ‘movement’ in the original substance.  It can unfold its effect eternally, temporally, culturally or materially.  There are spiritual, mental, psychic and physical movements. The Will for revelation produces movement. In this way, directed developments arise in the primordial matter.  They become forms and animated life principles that carry a history within them.

At the moment in which spirit is directed and a form is created, an animation develops whose expression is confined within the laws of beginning and ending; a chaos of movement in which emergence and decay follow each other; where every arising form begins to pass away again from the moment of birth.

Just as in the primordial substance the original thought develops from one to two, from two to three and so on, the cosmic laws according to which the forces and forms move and mature in their interaction differentiate themselves. Tabula Smaragdina, a text from Ancient Egypt, describes maturation as a movement between that which is ‘above’ and that which is ‘below’.  The movement downwards means ‘forgetting’ and ‘realization’.  The path upwards is ‘perception’ and ‘remembering’.  The movement downwards is a path into multiplicity and individuality, the movement upwards is the path into unity and togetherness.  In this way, everyone absorbs the forces of the One when they move between ‘above’ and ‘below’, and the first thought that is the basis of their existence is realized.

Just as the spiritual-soul in man moves consciously and unconsciously between the ‘above’ and the ‘below’, so his consciousness moves in everyday life between the ‘inside’ and the ‘outside’.  This makes his or her fate perceptible. In moving upwards, he receives the opportunity to realize his purpose.

Through freedom become what you are through destiny,

said the poet and writer Hugo von Hofmannsthal.  Fate is the expression of the ‘inside’, as the story of his existence, and his freedom of movement is reflected in the possibilities he can live in the ‘outside’.  We rarely realize the reflection of our inner world when we experience our biographical ‘outside’.  We see some of our experiences as lucky coincidences and others as strokes of fate.  We either rejoice or suffer from what we do not understand.  The core of the ‘inside’, the part of the soul that faces the spirit, is equanimous towards both expressions of life.  Its core is the stillness of divinity, from which it has emerged and to which it must also return.

It is a divine law that everything pushes towards development and everything must also return to its origin.  Every human being pushes towards development at every moment, drives their life experience forward.  In this way, a boundless field of diversity is created in the midst of life, in which man, through his history, brings about a progressive development of the laws according to which he must live.  He is under the yoke of laws that ensure maturation and a return to the origin.

Freedom through awareness

In this boundless sphere of diversity, of the constant battle between good and evil, freedom seems to be a pure utopia.  When people turn their attention outwards, the laws are often the epitome of a lack of freedom.  Freedom here often means the opportunity to do whatever we wish.  At every turn, however, we are followed by laws that may lead us in a direction we never anticipated taking.   So, we experience many things that we express as coincidence or fate.

Just as everything in nature develops, grows and matures according to the rhythm of the seasons, people also mature as their life story develops through the various phases of their lifetime. In this way, the awareness of a process described in the Tabula Smaragdina grows:

From earth it ascends to heaven and back down to earth,
to absorb the power of the above and below.
Thus, you will attain the glory of the whole world.
All darkness will depart from you.

In the spiritual-soul, man ascends to the omnipresent, yet through Love remains linked to matter.  In doing so, he consciously receives impressions of that which is ‘above’ and that which is ‘below’.  A corresponding movement takes place between the ‘inside’ and the ‘outside’: the soul experiences itself in the personality and through it in the material world.

In this way, life drives maturation in a vertical and a horizontal movement that forms a cross.  In the vertical movement we merge as humanity into a unity, the human being lives as ‘we’.  In the horizontal movement, we live as an individual, a personal ‘I’.  Where these two movements meet, consciousness arises and people and humanity discover what they are in all their contradictions.  An awareness of unity develops in the interplay between time and eternity.  In it, the personality comes to rest and, under the influence of the spiritual-soul, the awareness of a freedom is formed that consists of a harmonious co-movement with the creative processes.

The same force that previously changed life through blows of fate without being understood now becomes a force that is described in the Tabula Smaragdina as follows:

This is the strong power of forces.
It overcomes the subtle and penetrates the solid.
This is how the world was created.
This is how the marvelous creations come into being.

The destiny of man is his kinship with the Divine, from there he came and there he must return.   The fundamental law of creation that underlies this development is expressed through movement.  It can be divided into ten stages:

At the base level, the level of ZERO, there is only primordial substance, which is like a great sea in which fire sleeps.

At the First level , fire and water divide and the mind produces the spark of a thought.

On the Second level, a polarity develops between above and below, which sets the thought in vibration and gives it the possibility of development.

At the Third level, this vibration leads to an image in the primal substance, in which the thought reveals itself in all its beauty.

At the Fourth level, this image begins to develop its structure.  A framework is created in which it begins to live, a first approach of ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ is formed.

At the Fifth level, the life principle begins to live, act and move within the parameters of the laws that govern its creation until the time it reaches consciousness and the ability to exercise free will.  Then it begins to write its own history, creates its own space and develops through growth.

At the Sixth level, the consciousness gains ‘self-awareness, and therefore enters into an exchange with others in space and time by perceiving the ‘outside’.

At the Seventh level, laws develop that summarize all life into groups.  The ‘seven rays’ make their spiritual levels recognizable.  Life continues on a higher, inter-individual level.

At the Eight level, this development reconnects with its origin.

At the Ninth level, the freedom of a perfect life develops, in which the consciousness, freed from obstacles, oscillates between the image and the original thought.

Freedom is a co-movement with the creative vision that is decided in the original substance, a co-operation that transforms every law into a harmonious force in development. The purpose of development is the perfected human being as part of the cosmic laws.

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Article info

Date: November 2, 2024
Author: Heiko Haase (Germany)
Photo: fractal-Pete Linforth auf Pixabay HD

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