How does the soul perceive?

There is both the beginning and also the goal of spiritual endeavor within the human being, the alpha and the omega.

How does the soul perceive?

What does the soul feel?

Deep inner connection with everything.

Experience of affinity.

Bond within the creator´s love.

A bond that does not bind.

The bond that tells the story of creation.

How does the soul perceive?

Firstly, the soul is an ear. The soul receives radiation and also vibrates on its own, like a taut string after strumming. Perhaps one of the strings of the monochord, the pan-harmony of all spheres. Every tremor and movement is being synchronously manifested in the world’s soul. The ear of the soul opens up gradually. The ear is curved like a spiral, like the pearly shell of a snail. The ear of the soul also speaks and brings wise advice. You can hear its voice.

Secondly, the soul is the eye that gives you different ways of looking at perception. What the soul sees, it has already known and it still senses much. In the light of our mentality, we distinguish between spirits, and all truths and lies are revealed in it. It shows the essence of things uncompromisingly. Vision is knowing. Vision brings knowledge. Vision is seen in the corner of the eye like the images of a prophecy. The spiritual soul dwells beyond time and space. The flashes and ideas of eternity seen there could one day be realized in our world. In this sense the soul can be a prophet.

Thirdly, the soul experiences a touch of the spiritual energy of the Fatherland. The soul takes a hand and asks for a dance with the power lines of the spirit. If you agree to this waltz, he will guide you until you let him go. Then suddenly, after a long time, you remember the steps and you feel the certainty of his guidance, knowing that you can’t step aside. His blood is already flowing in you. It is around you and within you, because the spirit becomes flesh.

Fourthly, souls feel the new atmosphere which they breathe. With every breath, they let in the ethers of freedom and escape from the old nature. If we are short of breath, then the soul has its lungs wide open, through which a clean and cleansing breeze flows. The breath of the soul is one with the breath of life of the logos, inhaling and exhaling. It is hard to resist the delicate, sweet scent of roses. How motherly and kind it feels. The scent of roses is released into the whole world as an exhalation from liberated spiritual souls. It is the healing atmosphere of the only higher good.

Fifthly, the soul feeds on new ethers, accepting the bread and the wine of the new covenant. Every pilgrim who thirsts and hungers for divine manna will be satisfied. Who has experienced this great shortcoming and hardship? The unquenchable thirst is only being soothed. Thus the soul remains open, longing and determined to move on.

Sixthly, the conscious soul is thinking and it is able to pronounce the Word of the beginning because it is connected with the creative Word. A new focus of consciousness has been created, which thinks anew. The spiritual soul receives new sense organs through which it can perceive a new reality, another dimension. It sails on its barge to Caphar Salama, the village of peace, the island of spirit.[1]

Seventhly, the soul comes as a new person, as a spiritual soul. It becomes the original Adam again.

There is both the beginning and also the goal of spiritual endeavor within the human being, the alpha and the omega.

The organs of the new soul have their own perception and experience. The soul is being recognized through these organs, and the soul recognizes much of the spiritual plan. It looks at and sees analogous correlations. It experiences its own genesis, day by day, until completion, the consummatum est.

And then, new organs can react and work with the original elements, such as fire (the creative force or fiat); air (the creative idea, or logos); water (the creative life or maria-mother-matrix); and earth (the creative cosmos, microcosm-human being-spiritual soul).

From others’ thoughts on perception

Everything we can write about the perception of the soul is just an image of the indescribable. Nevertheless, it is a common topic in spiritual texts because we are constantly trying to do so. And here are a few of the large number of the thoughts of other authors on the perception of the new soul.

Jan van Rijckenborgh (1896-1968) discusses the transformation of sensory organs along the spiritual path in the book There Is No Empty Space.[2] He considers the hidden mysteries that are revealed to those, who “[…] will see, recognize and listen to what was hidden. For he who sees, recognizes, and hears can also react.”[3] He adds: “[…] the eye serves as a lamp-lighter or as a stimulus for an already burning light. What we possess inwardly is sought by the eyes and attracted, inhaled as a spiritual oxygen for certain light needs.” And he concludes: “[…] the mental faculty is adapted, the inveterate thinking habits are affected and the entire emotional and desire life is uprooted by the revealing Light. The great demolition of the entire state of nature is undertaken by the mere fact that a human being begins to understand and see something of the Spirit that is poured down upon humanity.”[4]

In On Light, Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499) presents the analogy of the eyes as radiant rays of eyesight.

Light is the laughter of the heavens of the rising spirits, as is shown above all to the people, who, every time they rejoice in the spirit and have a smile on their face, surely shine inside as well, and their spirit expands and their face and especially their eyes which are the most celestial, seem to shine, and when laughing they circle like celestial bodies. […] The rays of laughing stars, like the eyes of divine minds, are most benevolently and joyfully directed to the seeds of things, warming everything and bringing it into the world […].[5]

In conclusion, we can mention the idea from the Gospel of Truth:

For by the fruits one knows the things that are yours, that they are the children of the Father, and one knows his aroma, that you originate from the grace of his countenance. For this reason, the Father loved his aroma; and it manifests itself in every place; and when it is mixed with matter, he gives his aroma to the light; and into his rest he causes it to ascend in every form and every sound. For there are no nostrils which smell the aroma, but it is the Spirit which possesses the sence of smell and it draws it for itself to itself and sinks into the aroma of the Father. He is, indeed, the place for it, and he takes it to the place from which it has come, in the first aroma which is cold.[6]

[1]   Andreae, Johann Valentin: Christianopolis. Praha: Trigon, 2017, pp. 64-65. Among other things, the foreigner could see the island only with a “prudent sight.” More in the comment: Rijckenborgh, Jan van: Christianopolis. Haarlem: Rozekruis Pers, 1990, p. 25 and ff.

[2]   Rijckenborgh, Jan van:  There is no empty space. Haarlem: Rozekruis Pers, 1979, pp. 60-64. – chapter the “Left path” and the “Right path”.

[3]   Ibid.

[4]   Ibid.

[5]   Ficino, Marsilio: De Sole. De lumine. Prague: OIKOYMENH, 2017, p. 171; Chapter 8  – The laughter of heaven arising from the joy of the deities, or light warms and delights everything.

[6] Grant, Robert, M. (transl.): Gospel of Truth. In Nag Hammadi Library 9/17/2013, Grant translation. See more: The Gospel of Truth (

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Article info

Date: February 26, 2022
Author: Olga Rosenkranzová (Czech Republic)
Photo: Pixabay CC0

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