Eternity in Time

Eternity in Time

“A man who has understood Love becomes immortal. A man who has understood Wisdom becomes complete. A man who has grasped Truth becomes free.” Peter Deunov

Like waves pour out onto the beach, so Truth flows in time. Then, as the tide changes, the ocean retreats its waves into its immeasurable depths. Then the beach lies deserted and the grains of sand scatter in the wind. However, at the dawn of a new day, the Waters return, mightier than ever before.

The Bulgarian lands have seen the Waters of eternity come and go several times. The Thracian civilization was a culture of light and wisdom. The mythical singer Orpheus played his seven-stringed lyre there, and the vibrations of his Word permeated the realms of nature. He shared with all his fellow creatures the richness of the heavenly symphonies. The same Word was conveyed through the mysteries of Dionysos. In an article about ancient Thrace entitled ‘An Eventful Melting Pot’[1], we read:

“There are striking similarities between the myth of Dionysos and the Egyptian myth of Osiris! Like Osiris, Dionysos was sacrificed; just as Osiris’ body was hidden in the Nile, the river of life, so Dionysos was ‘continually’ torn apart by his own servants and his solar spirit scattered ‘over the hills, the valleys and the mountain tops’, so that all could be reborn.”

In that same article we also find the following prophetic statement:

“With good reason Thrace was called ‘the light land of the Greeks’ [or: ‘the light land of the Spirit’]. And perhaps this vast region preserved in its etheric spheres the memory of the events in the mystery schools of prehistoric times, as dormant magnetic forces, announcing a new age of manifestation.”

The Bogomils

The Thracian civilization was swallowed up by the Roman Empire and the Waters withdrew. Much later, we are then in the Dark Ages, the Word returned through the voice of the Bogomils. The Bogomils, the ‘friends of God’, formed a Gnostic brotherhood in which inner Christianity was taught and lived. They were the propagators of inner Christianity and passed the torch of Gnostic Light to the Cathars in southern France. The Bogomils also formed a connection, a link, between the ancient wisdom coming from the Manichaeans and new cultures. By the end of the twelfth century, the Bogomils were destroyed and expelled; the same sad fate would later befall the Cathars. Again the Waters returned to their origins. Once more the beach lay deserted and the sand was smothered by the heavy karma caused by the mass murder of the Bogomils.

Yet ‘God does not forsake the works of his hands’ and sent his Word anew. It was expressed in the 20th century by Peter Deunov who became the great Beinsa Douno. His teachings are based on the three universal principles of Love, Wisdom and Truth.

“A man who has understood Love becomes immortal. A man who has understood Wisdom becomes complete. A man who has grasped Truth becomes free.”[2]

Beinsa Douno is also referred to as the Master of Love:

“Love stands above nationality.

Love stands above any religion.

Love itself creates the religious.

There are no religions in the divine world. Only Love exists there. The atmosphere of the divine world is Love. Therein everything breathes Love. Religions appear because Love cannot manifest itself on earth.

If you wish to do the will of God, by all means, replace religion with Love. Then everyone who loves you will be priests and ministers in your temple.

The greatest thing in the world is to come to know God as Love.”[3]

The Triple Alliance of Light

Soul-love is an essential part of the great rescue plan for the world and humanity. The School of the Golden Rosycross designates this mighty rescue plan as ‘The Triple Alliance of Light: Grail, Cathar and Cross with Roses’. It is perhaps a mysterious name that will not be clear to everyone. It refers to the fact that for a truly liberating life, the following three aspects must act in unity:

  • Love emanating from a heart in which the divine dwells;
  • Knowledge based on a mental life renewed by the Spirit;
  • Liberating deeds resulting from the above Love and Knowledge.

If we consider this mighty work in relation to ourselves, we speak of the renewal and transformation of heart, head and hands.

Applying this principle to gnostic brotherhoods and spiritual movements, we see that certain of these aspects are preponderant. We should not apply this too rigidly and think that the other two aspects are not represented, for we speak of a ‘Triple Alliance’, a trinity.

The designation ‘Cathar’ stands for all groups in which soul-love predominates. The Bogomils, for example, fall into this category. It is about pure religion. “Love itself creates the religious.”

The designation ‘Cross with Roses’ refers to all brotherhoods and mystery schools in which liberating spiritual knowledge is strongly represented. Think here of Hermeticism, the religion of reason.

The term ‘Grail’ applies to all movements in which liberating action is strongly expressed. The inner grail filled with love and wisdom is poured out, connected to matter, leading to liberating action. This group includes, for example, inner alchemy and Asian movements such as Buddhism. Practicing and living spiritual values is also at the forefront in India.

The great importance of the ‘Triple Alliance of Light’ becomes evident, for when action is not guided by love and wisdom, fanaticism and asceticism knock at the door. The Trinity of Light seeks a balanced and harmonious development of the full human spiritual potential, leading to wise, loving, liberating action.


In the article ‘An Eventful Melting pot’, we further read:

Over a period of thousands of years, Thrace – because of the connection it formed between East and West – has been an important melting pot of cultures. Trade, not to mention countless larger and smaller wars, fostered intercultural processes in which many nations – as well as their spiritual ideologies – mingled. Persian and Chaldean wisdom, right down to Buddhist teachings were merged here with Greek and Asia Minor wisdom. Even Celtic druids reached the land and left their mark, after which eventually the Greeks and after them the Romans added Thrace to their empire.”

Thrace was located approximately where Bulgaria and Romania are situated now. The Thracians north of the Danube are also called Dacians. Numerous remains of Thracian tombs and temple complexes can be found in these lands. The tombs look like small hills in the landscape. The unaware passerby could easily mistake them for natural mounds, not knowing what cultural treasures some hide. Here you can see an intriguing video about ancient Thrace.

Slavic tribes were also added into the Thracian melting pot, and it is interesting that Beinsa Douno also points to a ‘Triple Alliance of Light’: reason and love should become balanced in the will. A man who has grasped Truth, on the basis of Love and Wisdom, becomes free through his liberating acts.

The Balkans are a central point, a gate between East and West. Looking westwards, we see that the spiritual currents of Theosophy, Anthroposophy and the Rosycross have revealed a wealth of spiritual wisdom. Looking eastwards, we see ancient wisdom practiced in many ways. Consider the many forms of yoga in India and the wu-wei principle of Taoism in China. Now the question arises: is the gate open or closed? This question applies to both spiritual and material life on a personal and a global scale. Are we open to the Voice of the Great Waters, and are we open to the voices of our fellow humans? Do we understand that we can learn from the Spirit as well as from our fellow human beings? What does it mean to open the gates of our heart, head and hands? It means to love, to understand and to reach out to help. When we make space in ourselves for the divine, then the divine connects us all. Through the open gates we come to know God as Love.

The School of the Golden Rosycross

The School of the Golden Rosycross is an instrument of the ‘Triple Alliance of Light’ and has been active in the world for 100 years now.

Catharose de Petri, one of the spiritual leaders of the Golden Rosycross, says the following:[4]

Every soul body, and so also the etheric body of the Spiritual School, throws a light outward in the direction of its magnetic poles, and then attracts that at which its light projection is directed. We may clearly deduce from this, how from the cave of birth, a light flashes upward, and how in the sky of revelation a five-pointed star, a fivefold soul-ether garment, and so likewise the fivefold etheric body of the Spiritual School begins to radiate. And then it will be proven whether in the cave of birth itself life stirs – and an activity is present – that seeks the Divine Fatherhouse of Universal Life, or whether in the cave the ancient fiery horizontal serpent continues to reveal and maintain itself. Does the star, like that of Bethlehem, shine with its peak directed towards the one Universal Divine Life, then the Gnostic Sages of the Predecessors come from the Morning Land of the Spirit, for they have seen in the magnetic radiation field the shining star!”

It is all about Universal Life that will manifest in the centre of the soul body, in the heart of the pentagram.

The School of the Golden Rosycross is a link in the chain of gnostic brotherhoods. It means that the gnostic treasures of the past, expressed in radiation power, communicate themselves to the magnetic body of the youngest brotherhood. This Universal Teaching, this ‘Triple Alliance’ of Light belongs to no one. Only God Himself can claim rights over it.

The ‘Triple Alliance of Light’ is the great work of salvation for the world and humanity. A work of human souls, for human souls, carried by the Light force of the Gnosis. Love is the power that goes out to save what is lost. Knowledge explains and illuminates the path of liberation as a real possibility. By acting, the Grail aspect, the liberating power is directly connected to those who long for it. The liberating currents of eternity, the Voice of the Great Waters, are connected as concrete etheric forces to those seeking Truth. That is the soul-liberating work that takes place in the conference centres of the Golden Rosycross.

In the same way the gold treasures of the Thracians are slowly but surely being discovered by archaeologists, the Golden Rosycross aims to connect the spiritual gold, the entire spiritual heritage of all Gnostics, with the pilgrims on the path of liberation. For the eternal salvation of all!


[1] Pentagram, 2006, number 3

[2] Peter Deunov -Wisdommaster of Love – LOGON

[3] Beinsa Douno, The Master Speaks (Sunrise Press: Los Angeles, 1970)

[4] ‘Galaad, de Steenhoop der Getuigenis’, De Triomf van de Universele Gnosis.

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Article info

Date: August 26, 2024
Author: Niels van Saane (Bulgaria)
Photo: Jigar Panchal on Unsplash CCO

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