Awakening from Dreams

Awakening from Dreams

Those who look outwards, dream,
those who look inwards, awake.
Carl G Jung

The sleep of the body is the lucidity of the Soul; through closing the eyes, one can truly see, says Hermes Trismegistus.

The daily experience of sleep brings the possibility of elevation to the divine field of life. This requires conscious preparation.

Pythagoras teaches us, in his golden verses, a way of preparing for sleep. He says:

Never allow sleep to close your eyelids, after you lay,
Until you have examined all your actions of the day by your reason.
What have I done wrong? What have I done? What have I omitted that I ought to have done?
If in this examination you find that you have done wrong, reprove yourself severely for it;
And if you have done any good, rejoice.

When we reach the sacred in sleep, the lessons learned in the divine field can reach the conscious mind through dreams.

Sometimes, upon awakening after sleep, we find a new and inspired thinking over an issue that has, up until then, proven difficult to resolve.

It is as if, at that moment, between sleeping and waking up, we are filled with light and, wherever we point the flashlight of our attention within ourselves, there, in that internal content, revealing synapses occur, reaching a greater understanding of the topic.

This is a possible form of connection between the Spirit and the Soul.

Through this other way of perceiving reality, we prove how limited and chaotic our common thinking is and that there is another possibility in our being ready to manifest itself.

It is as if we have reached the limit of a phase of development and, little by little, another power of thought emerges within us.

These luminous experiences bring us closer to a definitive awakening, making it possible to abandon the life of dreams.

Dreams, coming from the unconscious, are the involuntary form of manifestation of the subconscious, while the new emerging power is a conscious expression in the manner of an intuitive activity.

Without a doubt, consciously employing intuition means an advancement of the mental faculty, as it is not daydreaming, nor fantasizing, but something real.

Hopefully, the next step in the plan of our creation will move forward without delay.

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Article info

Date: September 30, 2024
Author: Group of LOGON authors (Brazil)
Photo: By Anke Sundermeier from Pixabay

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