Fractals are self-similar patterns that repeat themselves in an almost inexhaustible creative dynamic. We find this fundamental organising principle not only on the physical level, but also in our mental and spiritual nature.
Fractal geometry of live
Mathematics is the alphabet that God used to describe the universe.
Galileo Galilei
Fractals are self-similar patterns that repeat themselves in an almost inexhaustible creative dynamic, both in space and in the chronology of time. It is these unconscious patterns that write the script of our lives. The maths behind fractal geometry makes visible how structure is brought into space and events are brought into time. Fractal geometry is the source inherent as an invisible power in the development of nature.
Fractal patterns are the tool with which evolution produces its infinite diversity and magical beauty. It utilises the simple principle of constantly rewriting repetition, the ever-smaller manifestations of which give rise to magnificent works of art in nature. The complexity of life is revealed to us in the principle of self-similar, repetitive form revelations. Let’s take a look at the marvellous works of a tree: every branch and every twig is the product in miniaturised form of a self-similar repetition of the giant tree’s blueprint.
This is how nature shapes its mountains, meandering rivers, winding coastlines and cloud formations, and this is also how we are shaped in our physicality. Think of the vascular trees in our tissue, the shape of our alveoli, the folds of our intestinal mucosa and our cell structure: patterns are repeated here in the smallest of spaces. It is the high intelligence of evolutionary dynamics that creates the largest exchange surfaces in the matrix of life in this way, without leaving the dimension in which these ongoing processes of development are constantly being remodelled. This means effective multiplication without wasting space.
Fractals thus shape the spaces, the dimensions of being. They are a marvellous strategy of the natural order to create surfaces in such a way that the exchange with the environment can optimally take place.
We find this fundamental organising principle not only on the physical level, but also in our mental and spiritual nature. Universal life takes place in every human being. The great is repeated in the small, the small is self-similar to the great. In short, we live in a holographic universe.
The discoverer of fractals, Benoit Mandelbrot, recognised that complex life and its network of relationships are not linear, i.e. do not follow clear, predictable lines. This is expressed in his apt words: “The eye has been ‘excommunicated’ from natural science, because what we see every day does not occur in it.”
Linearity only exists in the man-made “machine world”.
We, on the other hand, experience the complex reality of life in our very lives, in which we encounter many breaks and oddities and certain life patterns repeating themselves in a self-similar way in leaps of time. We have individual life programmes in which fractal similarity events emerge, that can often propagate over generations.
Why does someone repeatedly suffer minor accidents while playing sport, just like their dad, while another person goes through life without any injuries, despite a lack of attentiveness? Why do some people have successful partner relationships while others experience the same potential for conflict again and again, despite changing partners, and why does a suicidal tendency often spread across three generations?
If we recognise the weaving patterns, the design principles underlying all living things in space-time behind the personal biographies of our lives, this also means that we can be certain of being connected to everything in our universe.
In the primordial principle, beyond time and space, we have all emerged from “one word”, one identical impulse of creation. Through the world, in which all potential possibilities find their form made visible in fractal geometry – self-similar, but not the same – we experience in endless repetitions the many variations of this creative work. It exudes a tantalising fascination, but it is precisely this fascination that keeps us trapped in the dimensions in which we currently find ourselves.
If we manage to see through all the fractal patterns that life uses to entice us into seemingly ever new experiences and pleasures, then we gain deep insight into the weaving of natural forces and begin to recognise ourselves as a being that transcends the purely natural. This makes us sense our task as a human being in the world and for the world. We begin to see through the game of seduction that leads us to believe that ever new experiences really bring something fundamentally new and realise the endless repetition of the equation that life writes. In the end, we clearly face the reality that adopting other life patterns on the same level can never lead to any true and real transformation.
A fundamental leap in consciousness is required to overcome the limitations of our state of being.
It is helpful to know that deep-seated conflict patterns are always seeking new actualisations in the various phases of life and that for this purpose the necessary circumstances are created in fractal conditions on different levels, mentally or physically.
If our willingness to understand is partial, then the life principle seeks to enable a phase transition through pressure, through life problems which make increased demands necessary that can lead to new qualities. This meaningful help is given to us through the frustrating experience of endless repetition without the chance of real conflict resolution.
Today, quantum philosophy gives us the certainty that conflicts can never be resolved at the level of consciousness at which they arise. A transformation of consciousness and the associated new attitude to life must be achieved.
Our current life and world situation is truly oppressive and therefore is all the more a development aid for a true emergence, an unfolding of as yet unutilised potential. Only in this way can a higher octave of consciousness awaken in us. It is the evolutionary leap into the transpersonal, integral field of consciousness that is due in our time, in which the game of endless loops can come to an end.
The levels of geometry that are effective in our world are deterministic and limited in their dimensionality. The geometry of Euclid, a student of Plato, remains two-dimensional. Its observation and calculation relates to lines and surfaces. „Sacred geometry” opens up to three-dimensionality and describes the symbolic meaning of patterns, for example of the Platonic solids, which we encounter especially in the mineral world.
So, fractal geometry is the creative architect of our living nature, which also has its equivalent in the fourth dimension, the dimension of time, where we experience its patterns repeating themselves in a self-similar way.
In order to ascend to the perfection of the primordial imprint of all geometric forms, to the pure world of Plato’s ideas, however, the horizontal movement must be transformed into a vertical movement, an opening to transcendence.
We must overcome the determinacy of all dimensionally limited levels of geometry, which also shape our lives, in order to rise into the freedom and infinity of omnipresent and eternal being, the ultimate goal of our humanity.
In this endeavour, the selfish hunger for life of our lower nature is transformed into devotion to the all-encompassing power of love, to the primordial mother of all creative life.
This also means that we return home from the ever-repeating mirror image of our true being to the eternal home of the „image of God“, in which the diversity of all that has become merges into unity. Then the symbolism of the geometric forms dissolves and their spiritual archetypes become effective.
Embraced by the circle of eternity, we are released from the cycle of repetition by the fiery triangle of divine activity and erect the transfigurative temple of the coming new man on the secure foundations of the square, the immortal “cornerstone” within us.
Schubert Christian: Geometrie der Seele, Edition Gräfe und Unzer, 2023
Mandelbrot, Benoit: Die fraktale Geometrie der Natur (The fractal geometry of nature), Birkhäuser Verlag, 1991
Lipton, Bruce: Spontane Evolution (Spontaneous Evolution), Koha Verlag, 2008