Make it active and true!
We all have it within us – a tiny spark of light. Not light as we perceive it in our everyday life, we are all very familiar with that. And with it’s opposite, darkness, lack of light. So what is this other light? How do we find it? Is it real? Is it true?
All throughput history there have been stories, myths, legends about another light, about another reality other than the one we know. Legends handed down for centuries, for lifetimes, from person to person, culture to culture. From birth onwards we are told of them in stories for children which exist in all cultures and languages. We know them as fairy tales, myths, strange stories where the impossible seems to exist. Stories intended to remind us of something we may have forgotten but still carry within as a remembrance of something, something hidden and protected. A spark of remembrance of another reality, another place. An intuition. From time to time it surfaces, rises into our consciousness as our conscience, or as an emotion, strangely unrelated to our experience at the time. Or seemingly so. Often in our moments of deepest despair it will surface, a brightness giving us hope, urging us to keep going. Something experienced within, but all the same, something strange and different. Often we can’t explain why it happened, or where it came from, but there it is. It was real, it was true, and at that point, maybe very slightly so, very active. And then it was gone!
Haven’t we all experienced such moments? In life as we know it now, in the present chaotic state of our world, haven’t we all experienced such? It feels not to have come from such as our world, and we cannot understand it either. But it has accompanied us, perhaps rescued us from our deepest depths, so we cannot deny it. Instead, perhaps we begin to long for it! And as things around us continue to degenerate, we begin to long for it, remember it, more and more. We might begin to recognise it, long for it, from within. It begins to become active, something we begin to trust. Slowly at first, it’s a strange experience after all, but there it is, it begins to happen. It’s like a light within, a tiny spark at first, that becomes brighter as we perceive it more and more. And so we begin to perceive a new reality, a totally different reality, a new inner sensation. Of course we have many sensations within us, many voices which we may have become very familiar with during our life, some helpful, others not so. But now we have something completely different, something unique, and something within us knows that, recognises it as distinctly different. As something that does not emanate from our world, is unworldly but nevertheless encompasses it. A light. A light shining in the darkness. See that light within yourself as well, recognise it, allow the longing to grow.