The Initiate

The Initiate

Who is he? What does he want? Where will he get to?

The initiate is a beginner.

What is he starting?

A long journey on an unknown road to an unimaginable destination.

Will he like the landscape, the path, the destination?

He can barely visualize it.

During his long nights and days, he will surely be hungry, thirsty, sleepy, cold and
hot. Hunger for the Spirit, thirst for the soul. He has to be patient with tiredness and
sleep, and always cultivate the hope of a new awakening. In the coldness of the days, he can count on the shelter of true love – which intertwines souls and serves

The initiate is a traveler, a being of the roads.

What is this journey?

It’s an adventure into himself.

He doesn’t know his destination or how many days and nights this adventure will
last. All he knows is that he needs to prepare himself for the first step and for all the
steps to come.

What to take? What to leave behind? He has to weigh everything up with the
accurate scales of conscience. Possession? Prestige? Power? None of it will do. On
this long adventure to the Unknown Being, worth more to count on the lightness of
joy, the firmness of conscience and the strength of his heart.

The initiate is a conqueror.

And what does he want to conquer?

Freedom, equality, fraternity for all, in a new reality, in a new dimension.

That’s why he equips himself with courage, puts on his helmet to protect himself from
his own thoughts, picks up his shield with his left hand in front of his burning heart,
and, with his right hand, he wields the spear of Light that will open up all his paths
and those of all those who, like him, are fighting their own good fight.


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Article info

Date: October 4, 2024
Author: Group of LOGON authors (Brazil)
Photo: By aatlas from pixabay

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